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Bulk-Upload Multiple New Users

Bulk-uploading users is an easy and efficient way to add multiple new employees to the platform. This is especially convenient if you need to set up an entirely new location or if you want to add a whole new department, for example. 

Bulk-uploading Users

  1. First, select Users from the Manage drop-down menu on your screen. 
  2. Next, click on the Import From XLSX button on the right-hand side. 
  3. A pop-up message will be displayed, providing you with further information on bulk-uploading users.
  4. Start by selecting the Group.
    • This will pre-populate which training assignments will be available for selection on your spreadsheet.
    • You will be able to select individual departments for your employees later on.
  5. Now download the bulk-upload template by clicking on the Download XLSX Template link.
  6. Open the downloaded spreadsheet and fill in the necessary information
    • Please fill out the First Name, Last Name, Email and Login for each user. 
    • You can also list a Phone Number, Time zone and Language for each employee in columns E, H and I.
    • If available, System Role needs to be selected in column F; most of your employees should be added as Users.
    • From the selection, choose a Group for each employee in column G.
    • In column J, select the Job Class for your users; this will determine the training level assigned to each employee.
    • User role needs to be selected in column K; most of your employees should be added as Users.
  7. Now upload your file into the platform by clicking the Select File button and then click Upload
  8. All employees will be listed in the form on the screen.
    • You can edit any of the fields if necessary or adjust one value for all employees by utilizing the Copy Value To All Users button. 
  9. Once you are ready, click Save Users at the bottom of the screen.

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