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Privacy Management Feature Guide

Privacy Management is a feature designed to assess and improve data privacy and protections across properties, and to document an organization’s privacy measures to demonstrate compliance with regulatory requirements.

Compliance Made Easy

Compliance Made Easy Meeting privacy regulatory requirements (e.g. GDPR, CPRA, etc.) requires documentation of compliance. VENZA streamlines that by offering SaaS software that helps you collect and organize privacy information, so it is readily available and easy for you to use. You’ll be given access to our online privacy-specific information
management system that assists with the entire process.

Tech Support

You’ll be given a visual walkthrough of our privacy platform and have an opportunity to ask any questions about how to use common functions. We’ve also made it easier to learn with FAQs, video tutorials, and how-to guides that are available on our client support site. If you still need help troubleshooting, the VENZA Privacy Engineer is ready to help. They can be reached by phone, email, support tickets, or using live chat.

Information Gathering

We’ll provide you with hospitality-specific templates and inventory list suggestions that guide you to document the privacy-relevant systems and processes of your properties. Information that you’ll need to collect include the data stored on your systems, the number of data subjects stored, the number of people with access to your systems, confidentiality classifications, persons of responsibility, location of data storage, security measures in place, privacy by design measures, backups, and the purposes of data processing. Once finalized, you’ll mark that all items have been cataloged.


VENZA’s privacy management platform makes review of your policy strength and compliance status easy. You’ll be able to view your organization’s overall results in a clear dashboard that provides all the information needed to get  a quick and clear sense of your privacy administration.


VENZA’s privacy experts on our  Customer Success Team will meet with you regularly to assess your progress in completing your privacy profile. On average, you should expect to meet with VENZA once per quarter, but the exact schedule may vary.

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