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Removing Terminated Employees

Keeping your employee database up to date is crucial for maintaining compliance and ensuring accurate reporting. All employees who have been terminated, are on a sabbatical, parental leave, or are working only seasonally, should be inactivated in the VENZA System™. By inactivating team members who are no longer working at your location, you retain valuable user data while preventing unauthorized access.

How to Remove Terminated Users:

  1. To inactivate terminated employees, go to the Manage drop-down menu at the top of your screen and choose Users from the selection.
  2. Next, select one or multiple employees by checking the box on the left-hand side next to the employee’s name.
    • You can also use the Search bar at the top of the user list to search for any team member by their first name, last name, login, or group.
  3. Once you have selected the desired employees, click on the Inactivate button.
    • If an employee returns from their leave of absence, gets rehired at a different location, or returns for the season, you can use the Activate button to reactivate their profile.

Deleting Employees Permanently

  1. The VENZA System™ also provides the option to permanently delete a user’s profile.
    • However, this function should primarily be used in cases where a profile is created by accident or to remove potential duplications from the platform.
    • Please note that once a profile is deleted, it can still be retrieved and reinstated within a 90-day period. After that time has passed, the profile will be permanently erased, along with all user history and data.
  2. To delete a user’s profile, select the employee to be removed by checking the box next to their name, then click on the Delete button.
  3. If you need to restore the profile, you can switch to Deleted users by selecting the option from the User drop-down menu located at the top left-hand side of the screen. Then, select the user and click on Restore.

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